There are many technical and procedural hurdles that will need to be handled in a personal injury lawsuit. That’s why it is a good idea to hire a skilled personal injury lawyer to handle your claim.
In any given personal injury case, there are deadlines to meet, rules to follow, facts to investigate and statues and case law to understand. It is lot to know — and to do. Most lay people (and even some attorneys!) are not skilled in handling these sorts of matters, and their inexperience can lead to losing out on a big recovery for your injuries.
That is why it is so important to hire an experienced personal injury lawyer if you have been hurt in any type of accident. An attorney who specializes in personal injury cases will know all of the laws, rules and procedural hurdles that must be cleared in order to win a case. He will also know how to negotiate a good settlement from an insurance company — or to litigate a case in court to get the best possible award. While you can represent yourself in court in most matters, it is always best to hire an attorney. Read on to learn why you should hire a lawyer to handle your personal injury case.
Being In An Accident Is Stressful
The aftermath of an accident can be incredibly difficult, both emotionally and physically. Whether you were hurt in a slip and fall or a traumatic motor vehicle accident, you will likely need ongoing medical treatment. You may be dealing with significant pain and limits on handle everyday life without much stress. You may not be able to go to work, and may be feeling overwhelmed by mounting bills and the long road ahead to recovery. A compassionate personal injury lawyer can help relieve some of this burden, guiding you though the legal process and making sure that your needs are met with the best possible outcome for your case.
When you are stressed, you may not be able to make the best decisions — or to handle a tremendous amount of paperwork. Even if you believe that you can handle the claim on your own, you may not be in the best position to negotiate a deal or to comply with complicated court rules. That is why a good personal injury lawyer will be your best asset during this trying time. He will take the burden of handling the claim off of your shoulders, leaving you to focus on what is important — getting better.
The Other Side Will Have a Lawyer
Most personal injury cases involve an insurance company — and the insurance company will have a team of experts and legal counsel on its side. Don’t try to combat this on your own — hire a highly qualified personal injury attorney.
An attorney can negotiate a reasonable settlement on your behalf and fight back against overly aggressive insurance adjusters or lawyers. He or she can review proposed settlement and waiver agreements, making sure that you aren’t signing away your rights in exchange for a small portion of your total damages.
You Need An Expert
Lawyers go to school for many years, and spend even more time gaining expertise in a particular subject area. An attorney who specializes in personal injury law knows how the system works. From sending a demand letter to the insurance company to meeting court deadlines and complying with overly complicated court rules, a knowledgable personal injury lawyer will make sure that everything is done correctly so you can get the compensation that you deserve.
Beyond following rules and procedures, an attorney with personal injury experience will know how to negotiate with insurance companies to get a good settlement. They will understand how to tally up your damages, and have in-depth knowledge of what type of settlements and awards cases like yours usually get — an invaluable asset when it comes to figuring out how to proceed with your case. Having a skilled personal injury attorney on your side can mean the difference between being fully compensated and being stuck paying for an accident that was not your fault.
At the Law Offices of Larry H. Parker, we are experienced in all types of personal injury cases, from slip and falls to car and truck accidents to dog bites and animal attacks. We never charge our clients a fee unless we recover money for them — and we offer free consultations so that our clients understand their legal rights. Contact us today at 800-333-0000 or to learn more about how we can help you if you have been hurt in an accident.