Being prepared can make that crucial first meeting go more smoothly.
If you have been hurt in any kind of accident, you are likely in pain, under tremendous stress, and feeling overwhelmed by what is to come. Hiring an attorney is a great first step in getting your life back on track; a skilled personal injury attorney can help you recover for your losses so that you can move forward with your life.
But even after you have chosen an attorney, you may be worried about what you need to do going forward. It’s possible you’ve never met with an attorney before, and may feel unsure about your legal rights and options. How do you prepare for an initial consultation with an attorney to discuss your personal injury case?
At the Law Offices of Larry H. Parker, we understand that many of our clients are apprehensive when they first walk through our doors. It isn’t an easy experience for most people, as they have likely never been injured in an accident or needed to use a lawyer before. That is why we are providing this list of our best tips on how to prepare for your first meeting with your personal injury attorney.
Gather Documents
Before you head out the door to meet your attorney, you should first make sure that you have all documents related to your potential case. But how do you know what documents you should bring?
While every case will be different, there are some documents that are often helpful. This includes an accident report if your case involved a motor vehicle accident. If you don’t have one, contact the local police department where the accident occurred to obtain a copy of the report. You should also bring all of your medical records and bills, along with any paperwork related to your condition or diagnosis, such as discharge papers from a hospital, ER, or a doctor’s office. If you don’t have these documents yet, you can make a list of the doctors that have treated you, along with their contact information. Later, you will sign a release to allow your attorney to access these records.
If you took pictures of the accident, such as of a wobbly stair that you fell on, the scene of a car, truck, bike or bus accident, or the dog that bit you, be sure to bring those as well. If the accident involved vehicles, bring pictures of the damage to the vehicles, and if possible, the VIN or license plate number of the other vehicle. Pictures of your injuries are often incredibly helpful, particularly as your injuries heal over time.
You should also bring your medical and car insurance information. This could include copies of the policies themselves, the identification cards and any other pertinent information, such as letters from your insurance company or the other party’s insurance company about the claim.
If you have this information available, bring a list of names and contact information for all witnesses. The police may not have taken down this information, so it will be incredibly helpful to your attorney to have it directly from you.
Write A Statement
Before meeting with your attorney, it can be helpful to write down what happened as soon as possible after the accident. This should include everything from the day and time that it happened to the weather and anything that the other party might have said to you before or after the accident.
While it may seem scary to go to your lawyer’s office for the first time, remember that he or she is here to help you. Your attorney wants to make sure that you get the most money for your injuries — and understands how difficult this may be for you.
The attorneys of the Law Offices of Larry H. Parker have years of experience handling all types of personal injury claims. They’re compassionate and caring, and will fight to ensure that your rights are protected. Contact our office today at 800-333-0000 or to schedule a free initial consultation.