
What is Race Discrimination in the Workplace and What Can You Do If You Have Been the Victim of It?Both California and federal laws ban job discrimination based on race, color, ethnicity, and/or national origin. Racial discrimination is illegal in all aspects of employment, including job postings, applications, and interviews, as well as hiring, transferring, promoting, or quitting a job and/or working conditions.

Read on to learn more about what this means and how an employment law attorney can help you if you have been the victim of this unlawful activity. Contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 to request a free legal consultation.

More about the definition of race discrimination

When such acts are conducted in relation to the “terms or conditions of employment,” racial discrimination in the workplace is prohibited. The term “terms or conditions of employment” refers to almost any aspect of a job, including income, title, position, team role, hours, vacations, and so on. It is also a term or condition of employment to hire or fire someone.

Race discrimination in the workplace based on a person’s affiliation with others of a certain race is also forbidden. Because he had African American acquaintances or was dating a black lady, an employer cannot terminate a white employee. Whether or not the employer is biased towards whites, the employee would have a discrimination case.

Discrimination on the basis of “color” is likewise prohibited. Discrimination based on “dark-skinned” or “light-skinned” skin color, for example, is prohibited. In the workplace, there are two sorts of racial discrimination. The first is “dissimilar treatment,” while the second is “dissimilar effect.”

Because it is what we all understand as traditional prejudice, “discriminatory treatment” is more clear. It occurs when a person is treated differently as a result of their race, ethnicity, or other characteristics. In the perspective of the law, race discrimination can be shown by direct proof or circumstantial (indirect) evidence, and both are regarded equally.

Discrimination with a “disparate impact” is more difficult to describe, and it’s also more difficult to spot unless you’re looking for it. When an employer’s policy favors one group of employees but not the other, or excludes certain persons from a job reward or promotion, this is known as a “disparate impact.”

It may also be a policy that has a negative impact on a protected group of personnel. Typically, it appears that the policy in question was not expressly planned to provide such a benefit or disadvantage; it simply has that impact. Such situations are complicated, and statistical data is frequently used as the major form of proof. Consult The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 for more information on any type of race discrimination in the workplace.