Check your home to be sure that your window coverings do not put your children at risk.
If you are a parent or otherwise have young children in your life, chances are good that you have done a basic safety check of your house, and have found that it meets minimum safety standards. You may have covered your outlets, made sure that the cupboards with chemicals in them are locked, and put up baby gates. Yet many parents miss a danger that may not be as obvious — yet is responsible for a shocking number of child deaths each year.
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), each month a young child is likely to die by being strangled by a cord from a window covering such as blinds. In fact, according to the CPSC, window cord strangulations are one of the top hidden hazards in the home. The CPSC has recalled millions of window coverings with cords in recent years, and has instead promoted the use of coverings without cords or with inaccessible cords for homes with young children. The CPSC recommends that if your blinds, shades and drapes do have cords, that these cords are placed out of reach of young children. These cords are a hidden danger in homes across America and something that many parents, caregivers, and other loved ones should be made aware of in order to prevent tragedies.
To prevent the risk of strangulation via window cords, the CPSC recommends that you examine all shades and blinds for exposed cords on the front, sides and back. If you have young children, invest in cordless window coverings whenever possible. If you cannot afford cordless window coverings, you can contact the Window Covering Safety Council (WCSC) for a free repair kit to make your existing window coverings safer for young children. In the meantime, move all furniture — including cribs, beds and other surfaces that kids can climb on — away from windows, and keep all window cords out of the reach of young children. Be sure that cord stops on your window coverings are installed properly and that they are adjusted to limit the movement of the inner cord. Finally, make sure that tasseled pull cords are as short as possible, and that continuous loop pull cords on draperies and vertical blinds are pulled tight and anchored to the floor or wall.
Accidents involving window coverings happen far too frequently, and may be the result of a defective or dangerous product. If a family member has suffered an injury or died because of a cord window covering, an experienced products liability attorney can help you determine whether you potentially have a case against the manufacturer, retailer, or distributer of the window coverings. Defective designs may allow a child to be strangled by a cord that should be made in such a way to prevent a child from being harmed.
If your child has been harmed by a window covering cord or in any other type of accident caused by a dangerous or defective product, contact the Law Offices of Larry H. Parker. Our experienced products liability attorneys can help you get the money that you deserve for you or your child’s injuries so that you can move forward with your life. Contact our office today at 800-333-0000 or to schedule a free initial appointment. We never charge a fee unless we get money for you!