Category: Auto Accidents

Driving big rig trucks is riskier in more ways than you might have imagined. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, truck drivers have one the highest rates of injuries and illnesses of all occupations because of their potential for traffic related accidents.

Big Rig Accidents

Driving big rig trucks is riskier in more ways than you might have imagined. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, truck drivers have one the highest rates of injuries and illnesses of all occupations because of their potential for traffic related accidents. ...

Bike Lanes & Safety in Long Beach

Each year in California, more than 100 people are killed and hundreds of thousands are injured in bicycle collisions. Some bicycle related crashes are connected to the bicyclist’s behavior, while others are due to the motorist’s lack of attention. In North Long Beach,...

Motorcycle Safety Awareness

As part of a continuing effort to promote motorcycle safety, the city of Santa Monica’s police department is holding their 2nd annual motorcycle safety enforcement operation this weekend. The SMPD hopes that by offering awareness, it will help reduce the amount of...

Dangerous Road Conditions

Driving errors such as speeding, distracted driving and drunk driving are among the leading causes of auto accidents. However, dangerous road conditions also play a significant factor in contributing to an auto, motorcycle, or pedestrian accident. While these...

Driving in the HOV Lane

High Occupancy Vehicle lane (HOV), also referred to as the car-pool lane, is a lane reserved for vehicles with a driver who has one or more passengers traveling with them. These lanes are usually created in order to reduce traffic congestion. However, if you’re...

Back to School: Safety First

Going back to school means more cars on the road, and more congestion. Teaching children road safety is a valuable lesson they should learn at the beginning of every school year. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) one in every five...