No one wants to be in a position where their only option is to file a personal injury case yet it happens to hundreds of people every year. If you find yourself in this situation, you may find yourself shocked at how much personal information you are being asked to turn over to the attorney of the party you are suing.
At The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker, we are here to help you through this process and that includes protecting your privacy. This may not be something you have thought about but it is something we are equipped to handle. Read on to learn more. If you have questions or are ready for a free legal consultation, contact us at 800-333-0000.
You may find much of your personal information being requested
Every personal injury lawsuit is different, but it is common for a plaintiff to be asked to turn over a lot of personal information. This can include information about their employment, including W-2s and pay stubs, information on their insurance policies, tax records, and information on their medical and other benefits.
If there has been an injury, then it is likely that medical records will be requested. This makes sense since the defendant does have a right to know what injuries are being claimed in the case. However, they may even ask for more personal medical information, such as your entire medical history or notes your doctor has taken.
It is possible for your private information to be compromised
Though there are safeguards in place, the truth is that sensitive information could be compromised in a number of ways. For example, if documents are taken to a professional photocopier, the California Code of Civil Procedure requires said photocopier to keep a copy of all information they copy for at last six months after the case has been finalized. Just as is true of any electronically stored information, there is always the potential that it could fall into the wrong hands.
We can help protect your privacy
At The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker, we will work tirelessly for the best possible outcome for your case. Part of that responsibility includes pushing back to limit the scope of discovery. While the opposing counsel can request any information they want, they should only have access to information that is actually relevant to your case. We will fight against any requests they make that we believe are in excess to what they need. The less information they have, the safer you will be.
Call us today to let us start working for you
If you are ready to move forward and learn more about your personal injury possibilities then we urge you to contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 for a free legal consultation. We can go over the basics, offer our advice, and give you your chances of success. Read reviews from our past clients to get a better idea of what you can expect when you work with us.