If you have been injured as a first responder, then you might wonder what options you have for workers’ compensation. Continue reading to get the facts, and then contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 if you require a free legal consultation with an attorney who can help.
Defining a “First Responder”
Some people whose job fits within this description are clear that they are first responders, but we find plenty of people who are unclear if their particular job is considered a first responder. There are many different jobs that can fall under this title, including police officers, emergency medical service employees, paramedics, detention officers, and even county jailers. Even some volunteer positions can be considered first responders.
You Must Report Your Injury Right Away
The most important thing to know is that if you are injured at work or become ill in the line of duty, you have 30 days from the date of injury (or the date you knew the injury was work-related) to notify your employer. If you do not do so within this period of time, then you might lose your right to workers’ compensation benefits.
The Specifics of Workers’ Compensation Benefits
One important thing to realize about these benefits is that they are not as comprehensive as the damages you might be able to recover in a personal injury lawsuit. A workers’ compensation claim covers your medical costs and a portion of your lost wages. In the event of a worker’s death, workers’ compensation can provide the surviving family members with burial benefits and death benefits that cover a portion of the lost income.
On the other hand, if the injury was the result of a person’s specific or negligent recklessness and a personal injury claim can be made, the injured can receive all of their lost wages as well as compensation for pain and suffering.
An Attorney Can Help You Determine the Best Way Forward
Is your case better handled as a workers’ compensation claim or a personal injury claim? This is not an easy question to answer as it depends on a wide range of factors. What is simple is the fact that an attorney can assess your case and determine the right way forward.
When you contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker, we can look at the specifics behind your injury. The main advantage of a worker’s compensation case is that you are not required to prove that anyone else was at fault, while a personal injury case does require this. If you are ready to learn about your options, call us now at 800-333-0000 for help.