
There’s good news and bad news for people who’ve suffered from a whiplash injury. The bad news is that the insurance company is not likely to offer you the compensation you deserve without a fight. They are counting on the fact that whiplash injuries can be difficult to prove. The good news is that The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker is here to fight for you. We take your injuries seriously and we know how painful and life-altering a whiplash injury can be. We will work tirelessly towards the maximum financial compensation you deserve.

You may be eligible for a long list of damages

Depending on the specifics of your accident, you could be eligible to collect damages including property damage, past medical costs, future medical costs, lost earning capacity, emotional distress, lost income, and others. The best way to find out for sure what you may be eligible for is to contact a personal injury attorney who can offer a free legal consultation. Reach out to 800-333-0000 to set up an appointment.

What exactly is whiplash?

In some cases, whiplash is referred to as hyperflexion or hyperextension. No matter what it’s called, whiplash is a common injury in a car accident – most especially car accidents in which the victim was hit from behind. When this happens, the impact of the collision can cause the head to whip back and forth on the person’s neck, which goes beyond what is normal motion. This subjects the neck tissue, muscles, tendons, etc. to undergo extreme stress. Some cars are worse than others and more likely to cause whiplash depending on the head restraints.

We have the necessary experience to prove whiplash injuries

One of the main issues with winning a whiplash injury claim is that these are soft tissue injuries. That means they don’t show up in photos or x-rays and can seem difficult to prove. However, they can be proven by working with your doctor and getting an assessment and diagnosis. This step is essential and requires that you see a doctor with experience in these types of injuries.

To prove the injury in a court of law, you need an attorney who has experience with these injuries and knows how to leverage the evidence to ensure you get the best possible outcome. We can help with both issues. We work with caring, qualified, experienced doctors who can diagnose whiplash based on its many symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, neck pain, neck stiffness, lowered range of motion, blurred vision, shoulder pain, arm pain, back pain, or issues with sleep.

If you’ve been involved in an accident and you believe that you may have whiplash then we encourage you to contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 as soon as possible. The first step is a free legal consultation during which we can hear your story and offer our best legal advice. You don’t have to live with the pain. Call us today for help.