
Two Reasons to Follow Your Doctor’s Advice After a Car Accident It may seem like common sense to follow a doctor’s instructions after a car accident, but the truth is that many people don’t. They often have the best of intentions, but once they start to feel better, they may stop following the advice their doctor gave them. They may cancel follow up appointments. At The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker we believe it is very important to follow the advice of doctors for many reasons, including these two.

1. Following Your Doctor’s Advice is the Best Way to Recover from Injury

First and foremost, following the advice of your doctor is the best way to ensure that you can heal from your injury. This means doing everything they say, from following their treatment plan to working with a physical therapist to coming for follow up appointments. Even if you feel fine and believe that your injury has healed, it is best to continue medical treatment until your doctor confirms your feeling.

If you decide to stop your medical treatment, you could end up with more complicated, long-term problems. We see this most often in what are known as soft tissue injuries such as strains or sprains. The symptoms of these injuries can come and go, and if you do not continue with treatment they can return again and again.

2. Your Personal Injury Case Could Be in Jeopardy if You Do Not Continue with Medical Treatment

If the fact that not following the doctor’s advice could hurt you physically is not enough to convince you, consider that it could hurt your personal injury case. Remember that your case requires you to prove that you were injured and that your injuries have affected your life. If you do not have consistent and documented medical records to prove this claim, it will be much more difficult.

If you have gaps in medical treatment, including physical therapy, the insurance adjuster may argue that these gaps are proof that your injury was not as significant as you claim. They may also say that you are not eligible for long-term medical costs associated with the injury because your injury would not have been as serious if you had followed through with consistent medical care.

Your Personal Injury Attorney Can Help You Determine the Appropriate Compensation for Your Damages

If you have suffered from an injury in a car accident then you should contact a personal injury attorney. Even if you are found to be partially at fault, you may be eligible to receive compensation for damages, including medical costs, missed work, and pain and suffering. The best way to discover your options is to contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 for a free legal consultation. We look forward to helping you through this process.