
A car accident in Los Angeles tragically left two women dead after they attempted to help the driver of the vehicle.

A car accident in Los Angeles tragically left two women dead after they attempted to help the driver of the vehicle. The crash in Valley Village upended both a fire hydrant and a light pole, causing water to gush into the air. The water began to pool underneath the vehicle, where damaged live wires from the light pole were hiding in the darkness. The water surrounding the car became electrified.

Eight people sustained electric shock injuries, with two victims pronounced dead at the hospital. A spokesman for the Los Angeles Fire Department issued a statement regarding safety at the scene of auto accidents, saying…

“This tragic accident, in some ways can serve as a warning. Many people, with nothing but the best intentions, were injured and killed while trying to save others. This reminds all who want to help at the scene of an emergency to stay aware of their surroundings, and if there is any question as to safety, please wait for trained rescuers to arrive.”

If you or a loved one approaches the scene of an auto accident, verify your own safety before attending to the needs of others. Be especially alert for hazards such as downed power lines or oncoming traffic. The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker offers its condolences to all the victims of this unfortunate tragedy.

See the news article.