
For the first 6 months of 2016, driving fatalities were up 9%, and continue to surge as more drivers get on the road.

After years of overall improvement in driving safety, traffic fatalities are again on the rise. For the first 6 months of 2016, driving fatalities were up 9%, and continue to surge as more drivers get on the road. Safety experts say a new kind of danger in driving plays a large part in the increase of deaths and injuries on the road; distracted driving.

The National Safety Council reported earlier this week an estimated 19,100 people were killed on U.S. roads from January through June.  Not to mention, an average of 2.2 million people were also seriously injured within the first half of the year.  Drivers are not only just talking on their cell phones, but also texting, using navigation apps, checking social media, even playing virtual reality games.

The danger of distracted driving is all too real, as more and more drivers use their phones while on the road. The council estimates that the annual death rate could exceed 40,000 fatalities this year, making it the deadliest driving year since 2008. Despite California’s effort to put stricter texting while driving laws in place, the trend has left lawmakers scrambling for new solutions.

Executive director of the Governors Highway Safety Association Jonathan Adkins, said in an interview, “the size of the increase in fatalities since 2014 is really getting to the crisis level.” While many other factors were likely to contribute to the increase in fatalities, cell phone usage is the top distraction.

To help ensure safety, the National Safety Council recommends drivers:

  • Never use a cell phone, even hands-free, behind the wheel
  • Be aware of teen driving habits: teens are three times as likely to crash than an experienced driver
  • Ensure every passenger buckles up each trip
  • Designate an alcohol and drug-free driver or arrange alternate transportation
  • Avoid fatigue

An accident can happen at any time, regardless if a driver is distracted. When an accident takes place, knowing who to turn to for relief makes all the difference in your recovery.  The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker has been assisting accident victims for over 39 years, and can help you too.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker today for a free consultation. You can also submit your car accident case online, and you will receive a 10% attorney fee discount.  Call (800) 333-0000 or go online today. We’ll fight for you!®