Learn how different types of videos can help the plaintiff in a personal injury case
Many different types of evidence will be required to prove the key facts in a personal injury case, namely that the defendant caused an accident through negligence or recklessness, and the plaintiff suffered injuries and damages as a result.
In many cases, one of the most clear and compelling forms of evidence is video evidence. Video can convey much more information than words or photos alone. Video evidence is especially useful when claims must proceed to litigation, since video makes it easy for jurors to visually comprehend complex or technical concepts.
5 Kinds of Video Evidence
Video of the Accident: Sometimes, accidents happen to be caught on video by surveillance cameras. For example, a car accident might be captured on a traffic camera, a dashcam, or a video surveillance camera from a nearby business. Slip and fall accidents are also often captured on business surveillance cameras. Subpoenaing such videos can make it much easier for personal injury attorneys to establish fault for accidents.
Accident Reconstruction Video: An accident reconstruction video is basically a reenactment of the accident based on an expert’s analysis of physical evidence and witness testimony. This kind of video can help jurors visualize the chain of events leading to the accident, as well as help show how severe the accident was and how it caused specific injuries.
Deposition Video: As part of the preparations for personal injury litigation, the victim and witnesses will give depositions. Normally the deposition is given orally and then transcribed into a written format. However, in some cases it may be beneficial to record the deposition on video instead, so that jurors can see the victim as they testify rather than just hearing quotes read from the deposition. Video depositions are especially helpful in cases where the victim is too ill or too seriously hurt to attend court proceedings.
Day in the Life Video: When it comes to establishing the need for compensation for pain and suffering, a day in the life video can be extremely helpful. As the name suggests, this type of video documents the daily experience of the injured victim, showing how their injuries, pain, and emotional suffering are limiting their daily activities and their enjoyment of life.
In Memoriam Video: This type of video is sometimes used in wrongful death cases. It would include testimony from the deceased person’s loved ones regarding that person’s role in their lives and the impact of the death on the family.
Not All Videos Are Admissible in Court
When considering the usefulness of a potential piece of video evidence, it is important to bear in mind that not all videos are admissible. In order to be used as evidence in a personal injury case, the video must be authentic and relevant to the issue at hand. It may not contain hearsay or be so emotionally charged that it interferes with the truth.
Call Now to Learn More
If you would like to learn more about preparing for personal injury litigation, please contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000. We will be happy to discuss your case during a free consultation.