
The Five Most Common Injuries Health Care Workers Deal on the Job

There are more than 650,000 nurses, assistants, orderlies, and other health care workers who become injured at work every year. Compare this to just 152,000 people involved in the manufacturing industry. In fact, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics note that nurses get injured three times more often than construction workers.

As the number of people in this field increases each year and the population continues to both grow and age, you can expect even more of these types of workplace injuries. You can keep reading to learn about the most common injuries for health care workers and then contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 if you require assistance from a personal injury attorney.

  1. Back Injuries
  2. There is no question that jobs within the health care field are very physically demanding. This is why back injuries cost a total of around $7 billion every year. Those who suffer back injuries in medical centers often do so when moving patients or picking up heavy items and moving them. Back injuries can be acute, meaning they happen suddenly, or they can be chronic, meaning that they are minor at first but get worse with repeated trauma.

  3. Overexertion
  4. Repetitive motion of any kind can cause significant injury. When repetitive stress is involved, it can be even worse. Believe it or not, those who work in the healthcare industry are seven times as likely to develop musculoskeletal disorders compared to other workers.

  5. Being Stuck with Needles
  6. Healthcare workers deal with many needles on a daily basis and as such, they are all too frequently cut or punctured with the needles. In addition to causing lacerations, these needle sticks can also lead to passing on blood borne diseases such as Hepatitis or HIV.

  7. Violence
  8. Unfortunately, not everyone who is a patient at a hospital is calm and waiting to receive medical treatment. Some are drug addicts or have mental disorders that result in violent outbursts. These can cause serious injury to those who are just trying to care for them. Hospitals can also be hotbeds for robberies due to the drugs that are kept there.

  9. Head Injuries
  10. Often the result of slipping and falling at work, head injuries can cause long-lasting injuries and even death. They can occur due to many other reasons and should always be taken seriously.

Health care workers have always been important but that has become even more obvious in recent months. If you or a loved one has been injured while on the job, contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 for a free legal consultation.