
The Best Driving Tips to Prevent Accidents and Injuries on the Road

No one wants to get injured in a car accident, yet it happens on a daily basis. This is often due to the fact that some drivers are not taking enough action to prevent accidents. Today at The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker we are going to cover some of the most common issues that cause accidents with tips on how to avoid them.

If you have already suffered an injury in a car accident and need a free legal opinion, contact us at 800-333-0000 and ask for a free consultation.

Do not drive if you have been drinking

Not that we did not say “don’t drive drunk.” Of course, you shouldn’t drive drunk but that is not the only consideration. Even if you have only had a few drinks, it is best not to drive. A popular ad campaign gave some good advice: Buzzed driving is drunk driving. Don’t do it. Call a cab, call a ride share service, or find another way home.

Do not use your phone while you’re driving

It is illegal to use a handled electronic device while you’re driving. That should be reason enough to prevent you from doing it, but if it isn’t, consider that one of the top causes of rear-end accidents is people looking at their phone and not realizing that the car in front of them had stopped. These can be deadly accidents. Do not risk your life or the life of another – stay off your phone while driving.

Do not drive while drowsy

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2013 there were more than 72,000 car accidents caused by drowsy droving. Those accidents caused 44,000+ injuries and nearly 800 fatalities. Many experts believe that this is a huge underestimate and that as many as 6,000 fatal crashes may be caused by drowsy driving each year. Those same experts say not to drive unless you have had seven hours of sleep in the previous 24 hours.

Do not get distracted while driving

There are a million and one things that can distract you while driving. Be aware of this and do not let them take your attention. For example, don’t eat, don’t put on makeup, don’t turn around to talk to the kids. There is nothing so important that it is worth risking a deadly accident.

Make sure your child’s car seat is correctly installed

This won’t help you avoid a car accident but it can help reduce the chance of serious injury or even death. Statistics show that 90% of car seats have not be optimally installed. This can cause catastrophic injuries in even a minor accident. The California Highway Patrol offers free seat checks to ensure your kids are safe.

Have you been injured in an accident? Was someone else at fault? Contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 for a free legal consultation.