
Should you be suspicious of ongoing elder abuse, there are many resources that can help you make sure your elderly loved ones are being treated with the utmost care and respect.

Elder abuse often goes unreported. It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of senior citizens are abused each and every year, with only 2-10% of incidents ever reported. Should you be suspicious of ongoing elder abuse, there are many resources that can help you make sure your elderly loved ones are being treated with the utmost care and respect.

Contact Authorities

Notifying authorities who can quickly assess the situation and stop the elder abuse is of extreme importance for the quality of life of your loved ones. If you deem the situation as an emergency, do not hesitate to contact 911.

Domestic / Community Hotline: (888) 436-3600
Nursing Home / Long Term Care Hotline: (800) 231-4024

Elder Abuse Hotline: (877) 767-2385 or (602) 674-4200

Other States
Please visit the National Center on Elder Abuse website.

Contact an Elder Abuse Attorney

The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker will vigorously pursue cases of nursing home and elder abuse to assure that you and your loved ones receive the compensation you are entitled to under the law. If you suspect your loved ones living in assisted care or nursing homes are victims of elder abuse, do not hesitate to contact Larry H. Parker at (800) 333-0000 or by email using our Contact Us form.