Disabled Widows Benefits in Sun City CA

The Facts Are Simple: If You Need Disabled Widows Benefits in Sun City CA Then You Need an Attorney

Losing a spouse is not only emotionally devastating but it can be economically devastating as well. If you are disabled and required your spouse’s income for financial support, then you may feel lost and as though you have no options. However, it may be that you are eligible for a type of Social Security known as disabled widow benefits in Sun City CA. Keep reading to get answers to common questions about these benefits and then contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 866-536-5788 for a consultation.

Who is Eligible to Receive Disabled Widows Benefits in Sun City CA from Social Security?

The widow or widower of a person who worked long enough under Social Security to qualify for benefits. The number of work credits needed depends on the worker’s age when they die. The younger a person is, the fewer credits they must have. To receive benefits as a widow or widower, you must be at least 50 years old. Finally, the widow or widower’s disability must have started before or within seven years of the worker’s death.

Are DWB Benefits in Sun City CA Paid Immediately?

No. DWB are not paid the month in which the person dies. As a result, if your spouse receives a disability or SSA retirement check that covers the period of time between their death and the date you receive the check, you will need to return the money. Talk to your DWB attorney to find out if any money you have received needs to be returned. Note as well that you are likely eligible for a one-time $255 payout if you were living in the same home as your spouse at the time of their death.

How Much Are Disabled Widows Benefits in Sun City CA?

It depends on how old you are at the time of your spouse’s death. You will be paid a percentage of what their Social Security payments would have been. Surviving spouses who are at least retirement age get 100% benefit while those aged between 60 and full retirement will get somewhere between 71.5% and 99%. A surviving spouse between the age of 50 and 59 will get 71.5% of the worker’s benefit.