Social Security Disability Attorney in Santa Clarita CA

We Have the Answers You Are Looking for: Talk to a Social Security Disability Attorney in Santa Clarita CA

Any experienced Social Security Disability Attorney in Santa Clarita CA is used to answering many questions for clients. After all, this can be a complex situation. That is why we have come up with simple and straightforward answers to some of the most commonly asked questions we receive. If you have additional questions or are ready to start working with an attorney, contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 866-536-5788 for a free evaluation.

Can I Work and Still Obtain or Remain on Social Security Disability?

Possibly, but there are limits. You are only eligible for benefits if you are unable to work and earn what is considered substantial gainful activity by Social Security. For 2019, substantial gainful activity is set at $1,220 per month in pre-tax earnings. However, any work activity, even minimal part-time work, can impact a claim for Social Security disability. Be sure to consult with your Social Security Disability attorney in Santa Clarita CA to find out what your specific options are.

Do I Have to Attend the Medical Evaluation That Social Security Set Up?

Medical evaluations are not always required. If they are scheduled, then it means SSA is not sure there is enough medical evidence to support the claim. While they will not technically deny a claim if you do not attend your medical evaluation, they are less likely to approve it if you skip the appointment. The fact that SSA has requested the medical evaluation means they do not believe you have enough evidence without it and you should talk to a Social Security Disability Attorney in Santa Clarita CA to find out what your best option is.

Can I Claim Social Security Disability if I Am Not a Legal Resident or U.S. Citizen?

It depends. If you are a permanent resident or a lawful foreign worker, and you have paid taxes into the Social Security System, then you are likely eligible for SSDI (but not SSI) if you would otherwise qualify. However, there are exceptions. For example, residents from certain countries are not eligible for SSDI. Furthermore, to qualify for SSI benefits you must be a U.S. Citizen with some very limited exceptions for certain categories of lawful residents. Your SSDI Attorney in Santa Clarita CA can assess your specific case to find the answers.

Do I Have Options if My Claim Has Been Denied or is Pending?

In some cases, an SSDI attorney in Santa Clarita CA can help you appeal a Social Security denial. Likewise, if you have a case that has been pending for a long time then you may be waiting on a hearing with an Administrative Law Judge. That is something you will want the help of an attorney with.

Get Answers from an SSDI Attorney in Santa Clarita CA

If you still have questions then there is good news: Getting the answers you need is easy. Just contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 866-536-5788. We can listen to your concerns, talk about your options, and provide you with a comprehensive legal consultation. Call now and we can get started right away.