Workplace Injury Attorney in Montebello CA

You Need the Top Workplace Injury Attorney in Montebello CA

A California employee has a right to be safe at work. This is not always the case. As a result, incidents could occur that hurt employees. To determine whether you should submit a workers’ compensation claim or a personal injury claim, you must locate a workplace injury attorney in Montebello CA. You can request a legal consultation by calling The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 right away.

What Are the Main Causes of Workplace Accidents?

According to OSHA statistics from 2018, more than 100 workers died on average at work, for a yearly total of more than 5,200 fatalities. More than one in five of all occupational fatalities in the private sector occurred on construction sites, though all industries can be dangerous.

Common causes of workplace accidents include faulty machinery or complete equipment failure, inadequate instruction or training, obstructed exits and walkways, disregard of boundaries, guidelines, and limitations, violations of safety, absence or obstruction of signs, and unskilled or careless personnel. Contact a workplace injury attorney in Montebello CA if you sustained an injury in one of these ways.

Find Out What to Do if You Get Hurt at Work

Keep your cool. Panicking will only make the situation harder. When you stay calm, you will be able to more easily make the right decisions. Examine any injuries you or others may have sustained, and dial 9-1-1 if required. This simple move might save someone’s life.

Make a police report if someone other than your employer was to blame for the mishap. In the event that you file a personal injury claim, a police record can be helpful. Take photos of the place where the accident occurred and of your injuries. This will all be helpful to your workplace injury attorney in Montebello CA as they work to prove your case.

Identify any witnesses to the accident and get their names and phone information. If there are witnesses, your charge will sound more credible. Avoid sharing information about your accident on social media since the insurance provider can use it against you. You should immediately contact a workplace injury attorney in Montebello CA at The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 for help with your case.

Reach Out to a Workplace Injury Attorney in Montebello CA Before You Reach Out to an Insurance Company

In any personal injury case involving the negligence of another party, an insurance company may get in touch with you and make an effort to persuade you to accept a settlement offer. Unfortunately, this amount will typically be significantly lower than the claim’s true worth. We will battle insurance adjusters and fight for the highest settlement possible in your case.

We Are the Best Choice When You Need a Workplace Injury Attorney in Montebello CA

The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker works together with the highly distinguished firm of Perona, Langer, Beck, and Harrison to handle workers’ compensation claims large and small. Our alliance has produced excellent results for countless clients and we are confident we can help secure maximum compensation for you too.

You Can Request a Free Legal Consultation with a Workplace Injury Attorney in Montebello CA

Workplace injuries can range considerably, from small scratches and bruises to the other end of the spectrum—permanent handicap or even death. Free, no-obligation consultations are offered by The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker for analyses of work injury cases. Just call us at 800-333-0000.