Auto Accident Attorney in El Monte CA

Get the compensation you deserve with help from an experienced car accident attorney in El Monte CA

Have you been injured in a car accident that was not your fault? In addition to the pain and distress of your injuries, you may be dealing with a lot of anger towards the party whose negligent or reckless actions caused your accident. Unfortunately, many car accident victims’ distress is compounded by the fact that they are not given the compensation they deserve. Don’t let this happen to you! Instead, hire a skilled auto accident attorney in El Monte CA to fight for your rights and interests now.

Let the #1 Automobile Accident Law Firm in Southern California Fight for You

At The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker, we know how to provide the most effective service and get the best possible results as your car accident attorney in El Monte CA. After all:

  • We have over 40 years of experience
  • We’ve secured over $2 billion in and out of court
  • We have over 100,000 satisfied clients
  • We have a large staff of 150+ attorneys, paralegals, and support personnel
  • We have a 95 percent success rate

We Handle All Kinds of Car Accidents

Different types of car accidents can involve different types of liability issues. This makes it very important to find an auto accident attorney in El Monte CA with a broad range of experience who can handle the specific liability issues involved in your case. At The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker, we have ample experience in all kinds of accidents including:

  • Uninsured motorist accidents
  • Underinsured motorist accidents
  • Uber passenger accidents
  • Accidents caused by commercial vehicles
  • Accidents caused by vehicle defects
  • Accidents caused by road, sign, or signal defects
  • Accidents for which you are partially at fault

We Can Help Maximize Your Compensation

Insurance companies routinely offer car accident injury victims far less compensation than they really deserve, while claiming that this amount is their “best” or “final” offer. A skilled auto accident attorney in El Monte CA knows otherwise. When you hire The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker as your attorney, you can rest assured no applicable areas of compensation will be overlooked:

  • Past and future medical costs
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Lost income
  • Lost earning capacity
  • Property damage

Our attorneys know where to look for evidence to support your need for these different types of damages, as well as how to assign a fair and appropriate monetary value to them. We will then negotiate with the insurance company to get a fair settlement. If necessary, we can and will take your case to court.

Now You May Wonder…

…Can I Afford a Car Accident Attorney in El Monte CA?

Yes. Hiring The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker as your car accident attorney in El Monte CA requires no payment up front because we provide no risk representation. We will handle all the costs of preparing your case, and you will not have to pay until after we win you a settlement or award. If we are not successful in your case, you will not owe us anything.

Call Now for a Free Consultation with Your Auto Accident Attorney in El Monte CA

Wondering if you have a strong claim for compensation following an accident? The best way to find out is to call an auto accident attorney in El Monte CA. At The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker, we offer free case evaluations to help you understand your rights. You can contact us at 800-333-00007 days a week.