
Paracetamol, also known as Panadol and Tylenol, is often given to pregnant women to help relieve pain, fever and even the flu. However, researchers have now identified an association between usage and the effects it could have on your child.

Getting sick while pregnant can be scary enough without having to stress about whether or not taking certain pain medication might harm your growing baby. Paracetamol, also known as Panadol and Tylenol, is often given to pregnant women to help relieve pain, fever and even the flu. However, researchers have now identified an association between usage and the effects it could have on your child.

Reports found that pregnant mothers using the Paracetamol drug could result in having a child that suffers from ADHD or autism. This is based on the study made by researchers who used over 2,000 women who took Paracetamol during pregnancy. Scientists then conducted behavioral exams on those children whose ages range from 1-5. Results showed a link to ADHD as soon as those children reached the age of 5.

Researchers believe that their findings could shed some light on the number of ADHD and autism disorders diagnosed today. They also recognize that more research needs to be done before they can give new recommendations on painkiller use during pregnancy.

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