The Long Beach, California police department recently conducted a motorcycle safety enforcement operation. Motorcycle accidents have an inherent risk for severe, catastrophic injuries, and safety enforcement operations can highlight just what risks motorcyclists are incurring.
Over five hours, four motorcycle cops targeting locations that see a lot of motorcycle accidents issued plenty of citations. 15 helmet violations, 10 equipment violations, three moving violations, and a license endorsement violation were all recorded by the officers. The LBPD also impounded one motorcycle and issued 20 moving violations to non-motorcyclists.
Motorcycle accidents kill hundreds of California drivers each year. Data from these accidents conclude that factors involving speeding, unsafe turns, and operating under the influence are the primary reasons for the accidents.
See the news article here.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident, contact the motorcycle accident attorneys of The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker today at (800) 333-0000 to schedule a free consultation.