Just because your symptoms are not visible to the naked eye doesn’t mean you don’t deserve compensation
When you have a visible injury or disability, people notice and respond with empathy and kindness. But when you have an invisible injury with symptoms that are not visible to the naked eye, getting the support you need can be much more challenging.
One common example of an invisible injury that often comes up in personal injury cases is traumatic brain injury. While the initial injury can be accompanied by outward signs like contusions, lacerations, black eyes, etc., this is not always the case. Any visible injuries will soon heal, but the injury to the brain can leave the victim with lingering or permanent symptoms that can make ordinary tasks and activities very difficult and negatively impact overall quality of life.
Invisible Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury
Persistent headaches: Depending on the severity and frequency of the headaches, victims may find themselves living with dull pain they can power through or completely incapacitated.
Extreme fatigue: TBI can cause both mental and physical fatigue, which can keep victims from working and from enjoying normal activities.
Perceptual changes: A traumatic brain injury can affect any of the senses, including hearing, vision, taste, smell, and touch. It can also cause spatial disorientation and balance issues, which may prevent victims from being able to go out and/or take care of daily tasks at home. Heightened sensitivity to pain and an inability to sense time are also possible.
Sleep disorders: Lack of sleep is extremely unhealthy for the body and can lead to other health issues.
Cognitive issues: After a traumatic brain injury, victims may have problems processing information, expressing themselves, making decisions, and remembering things. If these issues are particularly severe, it may prevent them from working.
Emotional changes: Sometimes individuals seem like a whole different person after a brain injury because they become more irritable and aggressive or because their emotions flatten out and make them despondent.
Get Compensation for All Your TBI Symptoms
If you have suffered a traumatic brain injury in an accident that was not your fault, you deserve compensation for all the ways your injury has affected your life. This includes any and all “invisible” symptoms you may still be suffering from.
The best way to ensure all of your symptoms are properly documented and compensated is to trust your case to an experienced personal injury attorney from The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker. Contact us at 800-333-0000 for a free consultation.