A new, redesigned mobile app from the U.S. Department of National Highway Traffic Association (NHTSA) is designed to help keep drivers safer on the roads – and to protect their passengers too. Read on to learn what the app can do and how it can help you prevent car accidents and stay safer if you are involved in an accident. Remember that if you are injured, you can contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 for a free legal consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney.
The App Can Automatically Check for Issues with Several Types of Gear
The app allows users to add the type of vehicle they are driving, the type of car seat they are using, info about their tires, and other equipment. Then a virtual garage appears and can automatically check for recalls and other safety alerts on all of the equipment and machinery uploaded. This makes it easier for drivers to be instantly notified if something they are using or depending on is offering suboptimal safety features.
This App Could Save Taxpayer Dollars
The NHTSA says that they are using the same tools they use to power their website, and are combining them with a mobile app. By doing so, they are offering an enhanced experience for all mobile users to get access to updated critical safety information without the requirement for the NHTSA to develop added services. They say this will lower the cost to taxpayers.
Your Data is Safe in the App
With more and more people increasingly concerned with their data and how it is being used, it is good to know that the information you input into this app should be safe. Why? Because your data is stored only on the device. You do not give any permission to the NHTSA to access or share your personal information. This gives you the safe and private user experience you should be able to count on from all apps. The app then looks every day to see if new safety recalls have been issued on your listed products.
Call Us Right Away if You Are Injured Due to a Faulty Product or Equipment
If you are injured in a car accident due to faulty products or equipment, you should contact a personal injury attorney right away. At The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker we can provide a free legal consultation for you. Call now at 800-333-0000 and let us determine if you have grounds for legal action.