
Is the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Finally Going to Formally Investigate Tesla’s Autopilot?

An interesting development shows that the United States National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) may be looking into a formal investigation of Tesla’s semi-autonomous driver-assist system. Known as Autopilot, there is good reason to suspect that this system is being investigated, including the fact that there have been at least five subpoenas since April of last year into Tesla crashes.

What will this investigation show? Are car accidents going to rise if Tesla is allowed to use this autopilot system or will it lower then? Keep reading for some ideas on what may and may not happen. Remember that if you are in need of a personal injury attorney, you can contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 for a free legal consultation.

What We Know About the NHTSA’s Inquiries

We know that the NHTSA has asked Tesla to give them results from internal tests on the subcompact of their Model 3 automatic emergency braking system, as well as their sales figures for this product. Certain experts point to the idea that their subpoenas are showing that the NHTSA is concerned about the performance of the Autopilot. It could also mean that evidence is being gathered to support a more formal investigation.

The Fact of the Matter is That Autopilot Was Not Designed for Our Roads

There is no active defect probe into the system and it is entirely possible that they will not open one. What we do know is that Tesla’s CEO continues to defend the Autopilot system and says that it increases safety and makes their vehicles safer.

The NTSB previously found that a major issue is that the Autopilot design lets drivers use it on roads for which it was not designed. This led to a fatal car accident in 2016 with the Model S. This issue is serious because there are currently no restrictions on what type of roads this model can be driven on. If it is not prepared to be driven on all roads then it should not be allowed to be driven on all roads.

The Best Case Scenario: A Serious and Thorough Investigation

Do we know if the Autopilot system is safe or not? No. The truth is that though there have been fatalities when it was used, there are tens of thousands of fatal car accidents each year in a typical car. What we do know is that more research is needed. In order to keep our streets as safe as possible, we hope to see further safety studies.

If you have already been injured in a car accident, or have lost a loved one, then we urge you to contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 for a free legal consultation. We are standing by and ready to get you the legal help you need.