Getting the money you deserve can make sure you get the treatment you need.
If you are like many Americans, you have injured your back at some point in your life. Whether it was from sitting too long in one position on a long road trip, lifting something too heavy, or twisting at an odd angle, back injuries can happen in any number of ways — and can be incredibly debilitating.
Yet thousands of Americans suffer an even more serious type of back injury each year. Spinal cord injuries can arise from accidents such as car crashes, slip and fall accidents, or any other type of accident. Spinal cord injuries involve damage to the spinal cord itself, or damage to the vertebrae, ligaments, or disks of the spinal cord. They are usually caused by a sudden or violent blow to the spine, or by penetrating wounds or cuts to the spinal cord. They can be particularly dangerous because they can get worse over time as inflammation and fluid increase, causing the damage to grow.
Car accidents are the leading cause of spinal cord injuries in the United States, accounting for about 35% of all spinal cord injuries each year. Victims of car accidents are particularly vulnerable to spinal cord injuries because any type of car accident can lead to severe trauma to the body and damage to the spinal cord. Spinal cord injuries can also result from work-related accidents, such as a fall at a construction site, sports injury, or another type of accident.
When someone suffers a spinal cord injury, it is critical that they receive immediate emergency medical care. Doing so can significantly increase the chances of a positive outcome — including the ability to walk again. However, the need for treatment with spinal cord injuries does not end with the initial emergency treatment. After the spinal cord is stabilized and the person’s immediate injuries are treated, the injured person will require substantial care over the coming months and years in order to recover and to live as full of a life as possible.
The cost of a spinal cord injury can be significant. In the first year alone, bills medical treatments can add up to over a million dollars, with medical bills costing close to $200,000 each year after that. Someone with diminished functioning due to a spinal cord injury may require a lifetime of assistance as a result of the injury. He or she may need ongoing medical care for life.
A skilled personal injury attorney understands the severity of a spinal cord injury, and knows that the initial treatment — or even the first year of treatment — is not the full scope of damages for a spinal cord injury. In addition to the need for ongoing medical treatment, someone who has suffered a spinal cord injury will require compensation for these expenses, as well as for pain and suffering, lost income, and many other types of damages.
At the Law Offices of Larry H. Parker, our team of personal injury attorneys have more than 40 years of experience representing victims of all types of accidents, including those who have suffered spinal cord injuries. We have a 95% success rate, and have recovered more than $2 billion dollars on behalf of our clients. We will fight to make sure that we get the money you deserve for your injuries. Contact us today at 800-333-0000 or to schedule a free initial consultation. We never charge a fee unless we get money for you!