Despite all of the progress achieved in encouraging equal treatment for men and women in the workplace, women still face major hurdles. Sexual harassment is one of these issues. Harassment is often tolerated merely because individuals are ignorant of the facts and believe some of the prevalent fallacies regarding sexual harassment.
Keep reading to learn if you believe any of these fallacies and then contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 to speak with an employment law attorney.
Men are not the only people who commit sexual harassment
Sexual harassment can be committed by both men and women, regardless of their sexual orientation. Keep in mind that sexual harassment isn’t restricted to “quid pro quo” situations (requests for sexual favors in exchange for employment). When women sexually harass other women, they frequently do it by engaging in behavior that creates a hostile work environment, rather than by engaging in sexually motivated behavior.
It is still sexual harassment even if no one complains
Just because a sexual harassment victim appears to accept or put up with harassing behavior because she is afraid of losing her job does not make the behavior appropriate. Victimizers are frequently in positions of authority, making it harder for victims to speak up to them, according to the law.
The victim is not the only one who can file a complaint
Sexual harassment can create a hostile work environment for all women, not just the one who is harassed. In other situations, the behavior isn’t even intended towards a single person. This form of sexual harassment might include things like displaying sexually provocative cartoons, forwarding improper emails, or making inappropriate comments about sexual conquests.
Managers can be the victim of sexual harassment by subordinates
Most people think of sexual harassment as something that a boss or other superior does to a subordinate. However, because the harasser does not need to have any control over the victim’s work position in order for sexual harassment to occur, the opposite can also be true. Male employees, for example, may sexually harass a female boss by making derogatory remarks about how she utilized her sexuality to get or keep her job.
Do you have any questions about sexual harassment of women?
If you feel you have been subjected to female sexual harassment at work, you should speak with an attorney about your concerns. We know the law on sexual harassment at The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker and we are ready to help you. Call us now at 800-333-0000 to request a free legal consultation.