Follow these basic maintenance tips to get ready to ride.
Spring is officially here, and summer is just around the corner. For motorcycle enthusiasts, that means just one thing: it’s time to rev up your engines and get ready for the coming months of great riding!
But if your bike has spent the past few months in your garage, you should take some time to make sure that it’s in peak condition before you hit the road. Keeping your motorcycle well-maintained can help you stay safe and avoid accidents. As experienced motorcycle accident attorneys, we know that your top priority is having fun safely.
The first step in your maintenance routine should be to check your tires. When in storage, your tires can lose pressure slowly and go flat. Low tire pressure can make handling your bike difficult and put you in danger of an accident. In addition, having low tire pressure can increase overall wear and tear on your tires, meaning that you’ll have to replace them sooner than you otherwise would. Check your tires for cracks, or dry rot, and replace them if necessary. If your tires are in good shape, fill them to the recommended PSI and move onto the next step.
Next, clean and charge your battery. Again, when your motorcycle sits unused for a few months, your battery terminals can get dusty, dirty or even corroded. You may need to clean the terminals and then charge them. If necessary, replace the battery if it won’t hold a charge.
Once your battery is charged up, check your brakes. As any biker knows, having good brakes is critical to staying safe on the road. Listen for any screeching or scraping sounds as you brake, and make sure that both the hand and foot brakes work properly. Check your brake lines for any leaks or cracks, and make sure that your brake fluid tank is full.
While checking your brake fluid, go ahead and check your other fluids as well. When your bike sits, the builds in the various tanks may degrade. Replace any oil, gas, or brake fluid that looks dirty or insufficient. Take the time to check all fluid lines for signs of leaks or cracks, then top off your fluids.
Next, check the bikes drive chain to make sure that it is at the right tension. Lubricate and adjust it according to your owner’s manual, or have your mechanic do it for you if necessary. Check for broken teeth as you do so, and replace any damaged chains before taking your bike out onto the road.
Finally, check your headlights, brake lights, turn signals, and emergency lights to be sure that they are all in proper working order. Visibility on the road is particularly important to motorcyclists, as drivers often do not pay as much attention to bikers as they should. Replace any bulbs that seem dim, and clean the lenses if they seem dusty or dirty.
Properly maintaining your motorcycle can help keep you safe on the road in the spring, summer, and beyond. If you are in a crash, the experienced motorcycle accident attorneys at the Law Offices of Larry H. Parker can help. Our attorneys have represented over 100,000 clients to get the money they deserve for their injuries. Contact us today at 800-333-0000 or to learn how we can help you if you have been injured in an accident.