As soon as a car accident occurs, you’d like to think you would jump into action. However, that is not always a reasonable expectation. The truth is that many people end up in shock after a dramatic accident and they are not sure what to do. That is why we encourage every driver to memorize the steps to take after an accident. One of those steps is documenting what happened at the scene.
While any photo is better than nothing, there are also specific tips you can follow that will help you take the best possible photos. Keep reading to learn those tips and then contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 if you have been in an accident and require the help of a personal injury attorney.
What You Should Take Pictures Of
First, let us discuss what you need to take pictures of. An easy rule of thumb is that the more photos you have, the better off you will be. Get as many photos as you can from as many different angles and perspectives as possible. Taking video can be helpful too.
When possible, get photos of property damage, all injuries, the traffic signals and signs nearby, the surrounding area, any weather-related issues, skid marks or other evidence of who the crash happened, insurance information, the vehicle, and the license plates.
Make Sure the Timestamp is On
If you are taking photos with your smartphone, it will be automatically timestamped. Even though the time will not likely show up on the photo, it will be saved within the properties of the files and your attorney can get that information for you. If you are using a digital camera, then you might have to turn the timestamp function on. Doing so is essential in proving that you are taking photos of the same accident you are suing for.
Pay Attention to Lighting and Glare
You are not trying to take an award-winning photo but you do want to be sure that it will be easy to clearly see what is in the photo. If it is dark, use your flash. If it is during the day, avoid sun glares and make sure you are taking photos from a side that maximizes what you can see and does not leave anything in the dark. If there are dark spots, take more photos from another angle to get it all.
As Someone Else to Take Photos if You Are Not Able To
While taking photos can be important to winning your lawsuit, you should not do so if it would put you in danger. If you are injured or otherwise unable to take the pictures, ask an uninjured party to take photos. If that is not possible, call a friend or family member to come to the scene and take photos. Remember that some photos, such as damage to the vehicle, can be taken well after the accident occurred.