Although most individuals understand that speeding is never safe, the majority of people admit to speeding at least occasionally. Why? Because a large number of people are unaware that they are speeders.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has identified four different sorts of speeders. Do you fit into one of these categories? If you do, you risk causing a vehicle accident for yourself and everyone else on the road.
Transition speeders in the speed zone
This entails accelerating around the region where the speed zones change. Some drivers, for example, accelerate well before the changeover, while others maintain the legal speed limit but do not slow down once the speed limit has been reduced. These speeders are less likely to admit to speeding because they do not speed for extended periods of time at a time, speed on lower-speed routes, and do not speed for long periods of time at a time.
Unintentional speeders
The most frequent types of speeders are as follows. They sprint over short distances, yet do it at a tremendous rate. They might be passing a car they believe is travelling too slowly, racing another vehicle, or engaged in other potentially dangerous activities.
Speeders who are on a mission
Another classic example of speeding is this. It’s comparable to the above-mentioned accidental speeding, but it usually entails speeds high enough that the driver is well aware they’re speeding. Aggressive driving, passing, and other non-consistent sorts of speeding are examples.
Speeders on the move
These are drivers that drive at a high rate for an extended period of time. Because it occurs over a longer period of time, these drivers are more likely to be involved in accidents and suffer significant injuries. It’s also true that high-speed, controlled-access highways are more likely to see this sort of speeding.
Speeders who are aggressive
They are frequently regarded as the most hazardous sort of speeder since they drive excessively fast and do not employ common sense. Aggressive drivers are known for driving at high speeds for a long period of time. They also show a high level of speed variability, which means they may drive too fast for a short period of time before slamming on the brakes to go below the speed limit merely to irritate other drivers.
This is the most risky and deadly sort of driver. While there are assumptions regarding who is most likely to be an aggressive driver, research have shown that aggressive driving may be done by people of all ages and genders.
There is no avoiding the fact that speeding kills. The longer it takes a person to stop when driving at a high speed, the more likely they are to be involved in an accident. Furthermore, high-speed collisions are significantly more likely to be fatal or result in catastrophic injuries.
If you or a loved one has suffered an injury caused by a speeding driver, contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 for a free legal consultation.