
Do You Know the Steps to Take After Being Injured at Work?

If you have suffered an accident on the job, did you know what steps to take? It is important for all workers to know the basic steps they should take after being injured in at work. Keep reading to learn what they are. If you need help from a personal injury attorney, contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 for a free legal consultation.

Report the Injury to Your Employer

It is essential that you report your injury to your employer as soon as possible. If you need to file a workers’ compensation claim, it can be much harder to prove you were injured at work if you do not report the injury for hours or even days after the accident.

Get Medical Care and Inform the Health Care Team That the Injury is Work-Related

You then need to get medical care as soon as possible. If you wait, this can make it appear as though the injury was not serious, and it opens up the potential for questions as to whether or not the injury really occurred at work.

As soon as you see the health care team, let them know that your injury is work-related. Ask them to include this in their medical notes. It is unfortunately all too common for an employer or their workers’ compensation insurance company to attempt to deny a claim if the notes from the first medical appointment do not mention that the injury is work-related.

Provide a Written Notice to Your Employer

There are various forms you can fill out to notify your employer of your injury. Generally speaking, they should have a form from the workers’ compensation insurance company to formally file your claim. If they do not have this form on hand and tell you they will get it, you can still write up a notice to ensure that you have met any requirements to inform your employer within a certain amount of time.

Keep a Journal with Information Relevant to Your Injury

If you miss work, write down every day that you missed work and whether you took vacation days, PTO, or were not paid for it. Write down all doctor’s appointments and all bills. Keep track of any expenses caused by your injury. Note that while workers’ compensation does not allow you to recover damages for pain and suffering, it is still wise to write this information down in case you are required to sue your employer directly.

If your employer was directly negligent in your injury, then they could be held accountable, and you could recover 100% of your lost wages plus pain and suffering. To determine the right option for your specific situation, contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 for a free legal consultation.