An experienced car crash lawyer can help make sure that you get the rental car that you are entitled to after an accident.
Being in a car accident is scary — and can result in a lot of damage, from medical injuries to the loss of your car, motorcycle, van, or truck. Most people cannot afford to simply purchase a new vehicle, and even if they are able to return to work after an accident, they may not be able to do so if their car isn’t drivable. A rental car may be an option — but will it be covered by your insurance company?
What It Means to “Total” Your Car
The phrase “my car is totaled” is a pretty common one that’s used by attorneys, insurance experts, and lay people alike. What exactly does this phrase mean?
A totaled car is a vehicle whose fair market value is less than the cost to fix it after an accident. If your car is worth $10,000, and the cost to fix it is $12,000, it may be deemed “totaled.” This phrase comes from the term “total loss,” which is what an insurance agent may say if it makes more sense to purchase another vehicle instead of fixing your current one. If your car has been totaled, the insurance company will likely give you a check to cover the cost of a new or different vehicle.
When Your Car Is Fixable
In other situations, your car’s repairs will not cost more than its value. Your vehicle will likely be with a mechanic or at a body shop for anywhere from several days to several weeks, depending on how damaged it is. This will leave you without a vehicle — and without a way to get to work, school, or around town.
If the accident was not your fault, or if you have rental car coverage on your insurance policy, you will be entitled to have a rental car during the time that your car is being fixed. Most — if not all — of the expenses of renting a car should be paid by the insurance company that is responsible (yours or the other driver’s). If you are in an accident, contact your insurance company to determine if you have coverage for a rental car while your car is being fixed. If so, make sure that your insurance will cover you while you are driving the rental car in the event that you are in an accident.
If you are able to get a rental car through your insurance company or the other driver’s policy, you are entitled to a vehicle that is equivalent to yours — that is, the rental car should have comparable worth and be a similar make or model. If you have a passenger van to transport your big family, and the insurance company offers you an economy size sedan, that would not be an acceptable rental vehicle.
Many insurance companies — including your own — will try to avoid paying for a rental car while your vehicle is being repaired. That is why it is so critical to have an experienced car crash lawyer to represent you through all phases of the process. An attorney can help you with the insurance company, making sure that the insurance company follows the law and provides you with a rental vehicle that you are entitled to under the law.
If you have been in a car accident, contact the Law Offices of Larry H. Parker today at 800-333-0000 or Our attorneys are experienced at all phases of personal injury cases, from evaluating your case to negotiating with insurance companies to taking a case to trial to make sure that you get the compensation that you deserve. We never change a fee unless we get money for you — and our initial consultations are always free.