
Ask a Personal Injury Attorney: Who is Responsible for Injuries Sustained by Young Football Players?Young kids have traditionally been drawn to sports, and there are no signs that this is about to change anytime soon. While the majority of parents are aware that their kids could sustain bumps and bruises, or perhaps a broken bone in severe circumstances, most do not anticipate that their child will sustain a life-altering football head injury.

Having said that, it happens more frequently now. Who is to blame? Who is the culprit? Their parents? The football coach, perhaps? Continue reading to learn who can be held accountable for our actions, and then call The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 if you have any more inquiries or wish to schedule a free legal consultation.

Determining the reason for the injury is the first step

Football collisions don’t always result in injuries, and the majority of injuries are not serious. If a major head injury occurs, it must be assessed whether it was brought on or made worse by insufficient safety equipment, insufficient supervision, or anything else that may have been the fault of another party.

According to the legislation, people responsible for organizing sporting contests at schools or for fun have a “duty of care.” This means that it is their responsibility to take reasonable precautions to safeguard their young athletes and that, in the event that an accident does occur, timely medical attention must be given.

Information on “legal duty of care”

What does “legal duty of care” for the athletic program mean? The California judicial system has a protocol that those engaged are expected to adhere to. It entails making certain that student-athletes receive enough instruction, are aware of the risks, and comprehend the game’s rules and appropriate behavior.

In addition, a legal duty of care mandates the provision of suitable safety equipment, such as helmets and mouthguards, the effort to pair athletes with others of comparable heights, weights, sizes, and abilities, adequate supervision, the availability of first-aid supplies, and the exclusion of injured players from play if there is a chance that doing so will worsen the injury.

Numerous football-related injuries are not grounds for legal action

The majority of injuries sustained during a child sports league are, in actuality, not serious enough to warrant legal action. However, a person in a position of leadership should be held accountable if they fail to fulfill their duty and protect the athletes under their supervision. The burden shouldn’t fall only on the young athlete or their parents, especially not financially.

We advise you to get in touch with a personal injury lawyer as soon as you can if your student-athlete has had a brain damage. We can address any questions you have at the initial consultation, which is free of charge. To discover more, call right away.