No one wants to ever be in the position of needing to hire a personal injury attorney. The truth of the matter is that if you are calling on The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker it is likely for one of two reasons: You have been injured or you have lost a loved one due to someone else acting negligently or recklessly.
These are very challenging positions to be in but the good news is this: We are here to help. Keep reading to discover three of the most important factors to consider when you hire an attorney. Then contact us at 800-333-0000 to request your free legal consultation.
1. Choose an Attentive Attorney
You need an attorney with experience but what good is the best attorney if you do not feel that your case is being given the time it deserves? What good is the best attorney if you do not feel as though you are being taken seriously? From the first time you call or email The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker to set up your consultation, we will make time for you. You will know that you are a priority.
Do not choose an attorney that is not attentive. Do not choose an attorney who makes you feel as though you are an inconvenience. We are here to help you with your injury case and we want you to feel that you can contact us for all your related needs.
2. Honesty is Essential
It is necessary for you to be completely honest with your attorney. No matter what type of accident you have been involved in, no matter what type of injury you have sustained, we can best represent you only when you are honest with us. We know that it is just as important that we are honest with you.
One of the easiest ways to tell if an attorney is honest is to ask them if they can guarantee results. If they can, then they are not giving you honest advice. While we have decades of experience and can give you our honest assessment of the likelihood of various outcomes, this is not a business that comes with guarantees. We would love to tell every victim of a car accident that their case is worth $10 million but this is not the truth for most people – and we will always tell you the truth.
3. You Need an Attorney Who Has an Attention to Detail
Even the simplest case can get complicated. There are many details for an attorney to remember, from the stage your case is in, to the personal details of your case, to issues and concerns you have. There may be nothing more frustrating than an attorney who always seems to be seeing your case for the first time. This is not an experience you will have at The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker, where we pay attention to every detail of your case. Contact us now at 800-333-0000 for a free legal consultation.